
snapshots: a dog walk & pina by wim wenders

this lady is so french, she wiggles her hips… so nonchalant…
i saw 'pina' by wim wenders, very beautiful movie, where the dance makes sense…
very german, sometimes expressionist…
i would like to be a dancer, especially in vollmond: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGhulhiBliI
dancing in the water is for me…
and an interview of wim wenders about pina bausch's death:


bye bye paris, welcome back home!

i arrived in paris with a rainy storm and left it with the rain, that's paris!
a last croissant in the sky… lovely moon…
i had a custom's examination of my luggages… i had 9 tubes of chesnut spread… fortunately i had many cosmetics and they don't pay attention… they thought i have meat, fruits… i was upset because my suitcase  was full… the customs officer was nice and helped me to close it.
my taxi driver was from burkina faso, we spoke french and talk about americans… he send money to build a school in his country of origin and thinks to get back there because he didn't find his soulmate in new york yet…
no changes in brooklyn, drinking white wine with my roomie and his friend from ireland…
looking after the dog ladies, they walk me in the streets in the morning…


[en aparté]: paris_i_hate_you_10

a last goodbye to my roots…
hello to the tall lady, she had a cold yesterday…
baselitz sculptor exhibition and, ryan trecartin / lizzie fitch at musée d'art moderne…
to conclude the parisians sleep less than the brooklynites…
my cat became a princess, too spoilt by my mom, she doesn't like blue color, she always wants to sleep on cashemere…